Racial/Ethnic/Cultural | Economic Vitality New Hampshire | EVNH

Racial / Ethnic /Cultural

Maybe you have not thought of New Hampshire as a place to call home or to build a career, a family or a business. As an ethnic minority, I can tell you, this is a great place to do all these things. New Hampshire is welcoming and we are getting better at bringing together communities of color to collaborate, to share and to celebrate. We need your talent and skills and your passion and joy for life. Come and become part of our many wonderful communities. EVNH was conceived with the idea of recognizing, cherishing and expanding New Hampshire’s many aspects of diversity. Use our list of resources to get connected and to help you decide if this is the place for you. We think so.

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: New Hampshire – https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/NH

Inequalities Between New Hampshire Racial and Ethical Groups – https://nhfpi.org/resource/inequities-between-new-hampshire-racial-and-ethnic-groups-impact-opportunities-to-thrive/

10 Most Diverse Cities in New Hampshire – https://www.homesnacks.com/most-diverse-cities-in-new-hampshire/

2021 Most Diverse Places to Live In New Hampshire – https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/search/most-diverse-places/s/new-hampshire/

NH Center for Nonprofits – ttps://www.nhnonprofits.org/